
Altran: International is the priority of the group

Altran announced, earlier this month, a revenue growth of 10.3% to 387.7 million euros for its first quarter. His deputy finance director, Laurent Dubois, agreed to answer questions CercleFinance on projects and prospects of the group of consulting and engineering in technological innovation.
CercleFinance: The first quarter growth was driven primarily by France, while revenues increased only 5% internationally. This, combined with the divestiture of Brazil announced in late April, she anticipates a refocusing of Altran on France?
Laurent Dubois: These figures simply reflect the strength of the French market and the group's ability to capture growth in this market. The International is the priority of the group even if the total turnover results from different situations. Indeed, some countries hard reboot and confirm their good health (Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Scandinavia, United Kingdom) and others such as Germany where growth is back even if the figure is even smaller. The transfer of Brazil is the will of the group at a time to end a special situation generated significant losses and to continue the arbitration in its business portfolio to separate marginal activities and / or does not match the Altran core business.

CF: Altran said evaluating its strategic options for Arthur D. Little, a subsidiary heavily impacted by the crisis. A potential sale would announce a withdrawal from it sector group strategy consulting?
LD: Outside of Arthur D. Little, the group has operations strategy consulting that represent a few percent of sales. Any such transfer affects that asset. Other assets / activities generally may be subject to arbitration if found they are no longer part of the core business of the group. But anyway out of this concern about these journals active devices of very limited size.

CF: What target would you favor in terms of external growth in the coming months?
LD: We do not change our strategy at the moment.The price and quality of management of these companies are key in our decision process.

CF: Are you afraid of being affected by the threats posed by recent geopolitical events (the crisis of the Arab world, a catastrophe in Japan ...) on global growth?
LD: If these events have an impact on global growth, Altran as other groups will be affected. It is also very hard to anticipate what could be the possible impacts. So we must remain vigilant to adapt quickly to changes in the global environment.

