The three major U.S. stock indexes closed down on January 19. At the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index closed at 11,825.30 points, down 12.64 points, or 0.11%; the Nasdaq composite index closed at 2725.36 points, down 40.49 points, or 1.46%; Standard & Poor's 500 index closed at 1281.92 points, down 13.10 points, or 1.01%.
Read from the disk, more than technology stocks fell, Nokia fell 3.56%, down 2.84% Allegheny, Nvidia fell 2.71%, down 2.71% Alcatel-Lucent, Amazon, or 2.29%, Dell fell 2.27%, Texas Instruments or such decline among the top 1.99%. IBM rose 3.35%, up 0.70%, Verizon, Oracle rose 0.22% and other gainers. Financial stocks Pudie, REGIONS FINL down 5.56% or 4.69% Goldman Sachs, Bank of America fell 4.20%, AIG fell 4.04%, 3.48% Morgan Stanley and other drop down top.
News, Goldman Sachs fourth quarter revenue of $ 8,640,000,000 net, down 10%, net profit of 23.9 billion U.S. dollars, down 53%, $ 3.79 per diluted share; 2010 revenues of 39.16 billion U.S. dollars, net profit $ 8,350,000,000. $ 13.18 per diluted share, a year earlier to $ 22.13 per diluted share.