
31 international oil prices soared to record in September 2008 a new high

Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) will be held Feb. 9 at the House Budget Committee (House Budget Committee) to testify, since the Republican-controlled House of Representatives for his first appearance since the House Budget Committee.

 Bernanke will be the week of Feb. 12 to attend the hearing, the Congressional Budget Office Director Al Elmendorf (Doug Elmendorf) will be 10 witnesses.

 House Budget Committee Chairman Paul. Ryan (Paul Ryan) will play a key role in the hearing, to fight on behalf of Republican control of federal government spending to achieve the purpose. The Budget Committee hearing on the subject will certainly be issues around the fiscal imbalance.

 Earlier, Bernanke in early January before the Senate Banking Committee (Senate Budget Committee) to testify.

