At 10:21 on November 23 EST, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 140.81 points to 11,037.77 points, down 1.26%; the Nasdaq composite index fell 32.33 points to 2,499.69 points, down 1.28%; the S & P 500 Index fell 15.86 points to 1,181.98 points, down 1.32%.
The Dow was down nearly 162 points up. Dow component Exxon Mobil (XOM) fell 2.3%, Alcoa (AA) fell 2.1%, Travelers (TRV) fell 1.7%.
Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) rose 0.5%, rising to be the only one Dow component. The company said late Monday released a good fourth quarter results, and publish the results better than expected forecast.
Energy and raw materials sector led by the broader market.
About geopolitical risk is a major force in the market on Tuesday. Western military in the disputed border near North Korea's an island shelling, killing two South Korean navy fire deaths and a number of buildings. South Korean troops to fight back immediately.