As of 1:45 pm EDT (1:45 am Beijing time), the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 18.43 points to 11,416.41 points, down 0.16%; the Nasdaq composite index fell 1.70 points to 2575.64 points a decrease of 0.07%; Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 2.15 points to 1223.21 points, or 0.18%.
September sales of second-hand housing index contracted 1.8% lower than the previous month.
The Labor Department report, 10 nonfarm employment increased by 15.1 million people,increasing the number of analysts polled by MarketWatch are more than twice the expected. The third consecutive month the unemployment rate remained at 9.6%. In this employment report is released, the U.S. futures reversed early weakness to rise.
LandColt Trading Executive Director Todd Schoenberger said, "Today's employment data to surprise Wall Street, now the Fed has introduced quantitative easing, we expect the job market in the rest of the year continued to improve in 2011."