Britain Financial Times simply pointed out that to avoid various countries “the chaotic war” the scene, 20 country group Treasury Secretary and the Central Bank officials publish the bulletin draft before the conference, pledged that “will not compete to let the domestic currency depreciation”, this indicated that this organization will possibly have the explicit manner to the so-called global exchange rate war.
G20 the high-ranking official indicated that the conference “is unable to avoid the exchange rate question”. This week a conference's innovation possibly is, will issue that about a currency operation harm's expression severer statement, and the collective pledged does not compete censures the domestic currency.
But stated that at the same time possibly approaches Chinese and other Asian country guaranteed, their currency may allow only to advance gradually the way revaluation. The G20 statement's rough draft which obtains from Dow Jones, stated that pledged G20 “will devote to the advancement by the market decision exchange rate mechanism, avoids the competitive depreciation, reduces the negative effect which as far as possible the exchange rate excessively and the disorderly fluctuation brings”.