EST at 16:00 on December 20 (Beijing time at 5:00 on December 21), the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 13.78 points to close at 11,478.13 points, down 0.12%; the Nasdaq composite index rose 6.59 points, to close at 2,649.56 points, or 0.25%; Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 3.17 points to close at 1,247.08 points, or 0.25%.
The Dow rose 0.7% last week and has been rising for three consecutive weeks. Dow so far this year has already risen more than 10%.
Foreign exchange markets, the dollar strengthened, tracking U.S. dollar against other major currencies 6 dollar index a two-week intraday high. Dollar against the euro also hit a two-week high, after the European Central Bank said last week the acquisition of substantially the number of European government bonds lower.
Despite the tensions on the Korean peninsula to upgrade again, but Monday the U.S. stock market is still slightly higher open after three weeks of trying to continue the momentum of continuous rise. According to media reports, South Korea on Monday, not far from the inter-Korean border for live-fire exercises Yin Ping Island. After the intervention of the international mediation, easing North-South relations.
Moody's rating agency said that following the decision last week to join the Spanish sovereign debt rating may be lowered and the list of assessment, the country has 30 bank deposits and senior debt ratings to join the list, and the Spanish banking sector has taken several other actions.
European stock markets closed higher on Monday. Gold futures reversed early weakness up, February delivery gold was up $ 6.9, or 0.5%, to close at $ 1386.100 per ounce, its highest intraday rise to 1,388.90 dollars. Crude oil futures rose 79 cents to close at $ 88.81 a barrel.